
Everything that happened on the fourth day of the Gods Timeline.


g0004A few days later: Afrain, leader of the good monsters, got word of the killing of the Fairy family and went to war with the bad monsters. The Good Monsters were victorious.Part 12
g0004Baku orders Mikomi to stay behind in Afrain’s castle, because he doesn’t want her to get hurt.Part 31
g0004Whilst the Good Monsters ate the fruit of the poisoned land of the Dead Fairies, Afrain imprisoned Layou and his minions in the centre of the Earth. The land of the Dead Fairies was poisoned and the Good Monsters who ate the fruit of it, turned dark. Afrain had to watch as his sons and wives were slowly turning into evil monsters. Afrain brought his only daughter that hadn’t been poisoned, Lana, and his friends to the Clouds Before the Sun. Mikomi, unpoisoned, was still in the Land of the Dead Fairies.Part 12 & 30 & 31
g0004Afrain made a big rock wall around the Land of the Dead Fairies. Which formed the Valley of Endless Rain. All the monsters were trapped inside, including Mikomi.Part 13 & 31
g0004Lana hides the fact that she is pregnant of Layou’s half-evil/half-good child.Part 31