Kitty Ocean


It took a while, but finally I made mine... 







Name: Kitty Ocean (that's all ya need to know ^_^) 


Colour Hair: Ash-Blond


Colour Eyes: Grey, with a tiny dash of blue


Country: The Netherlands


Written parts: I wrote part Part 1... and 73... and a lot of chapters inbetween. Will update that XD 


Love Interest: Is that really important? 


Family: I consider that information kinda private 


Date of birth: 21st of March 1983 


Weapons of choice: A long thin sword and a knife/dagger (as long as it's thin!)


Characters: Well, I decided quite a lot of stuff, but not that much characters. Hitori, Hana, Shuhan and Alika... I think.  






Deviantart gallery:  





I don't plan on writing that much here. The reason is that I have, like, a zillion pages and typing the same each and every time gets boring. For more detailed information: . It also holds a list of all my sites... which is a lot!


Born in the Netherlands, raised in the Netherlands, with a love for the 4 elements of life, writing, drawing, singing, working with the computer... I have so many hobbys and jobs people are amazed by it. I did publish my first book/novel this year: . Go take a look if you wish!


I was the one who started Endless Rain... by accident. At school, we were getting suggestions for a project, and one of those suggestions was the title 'Eeuwige/ Eindeloze Regen'; Endless Rain in English. I wrotes a scene, like I'd written more scenes and well... here we are now!


One of the titles from the story shows exactly who I am and what I like: "Chaos is my specialty!" If things start to get dull, just leave it up to me to create new chaos. My latest plot of chaos involves a little girl named Alika...

